Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research the roles of African Americans in the military history of Essay

Research the roles of African Americans in the military history of World War I. How were African Americans recruited How were t - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss African American soldiers’ role in the military history of the First World War, starting with the process of recruitment, moving along to their experiences in the armed forces, as well as in combat, and finally exploring the psychological impact it had on African Americans, in addition to their view of racial discrimination. 2.0 African Americans and Recruitment In the spring of 1917, The United States of America had to face a war of unsurpassed magnitude, requiring it to harness all its resources -- material, intellectual, and human. Hence, this was the mobilization of the colored people as a part of the country’s line of defense in the First World War (Williams 15). However, the path towards the fulfillment of their patriotic duty was not paved clear. Opposition in the person of members of the senate and southern democrats existed (Orr 90). The aforementioned officials resisted the idea of including African American draftees in the armed fo rces of the United States. Senator James K. Vardaman was adamant in his idea that millions of armed colored men served only as an unparalleled peril to the South (Ellis 11). However, because of black leaders’ efforts, 367,710 blacks were drafted (Orr 90). These African American draftees consisted of a variety of professions from common workers and farmers to physicians and attorneys. They were issued drafts on the months of June and September, and were ordered to join the 1,200 enlistees in Fort Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa in a Colored Officers Training Camp, regardless if they were willing to do so or not (Lentz-Smith 41). The aforementioned training camp was made possible through the resoluteness of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in pushing for the setting up of a training school for African American officers (Orr 91). 2.1 African Americans in the Armed Forces and in Combat African Americans’ participation in military defense was a n unheard of concept even if it was in service to America (Lentz-Smith 21). Majority of white people greatly opposed this on the premise that colored people could not be capable soldiers (Williams 2). Some even went so far as to consider the colored man as more like a farm animal such as a horse instead of a man; an example was Ely Green who decided to enlist in the war upon hearing that very discriminating statement from white farmers (Lentz- Smith 38). Even with their entry to the armed forces, African Americans experienced the said discrimination. 200, 000 of those black soldiers were relegated to the American Expeditionary Force and were assigned labor functions -- something as menial as digging up trenches (Roberts and Tucker 2318). Hence, the reality of shouldering shovels in place of guns (Williams 2). The Navy further highlighted this by only including black men as mess boys or attendants. However, no such emphasis compared to the Marines’ complete rejection of them ( Roberts and Tucker 2318). Racial discrimination was underlined in what is now known as the Battle of Anniston. The soldiers of the Third Alabama Colored Infantry experienced such blatant discrimination as they were driven back to camp by white military men and civilians when they went out on their first night there. They endured this

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug Essay

Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug Overweight Adults in the U.S - Essay Example She was the company’s senior director of marketing. Her 20 years of experience in the industry as the marketing head of prescription drugs for the company helped it achieve these profitable heights (Friedhoff 45). In the recent past, she was responsible for leading six drug campaigns for the company’s most successful drug called Zimistat. Up-to-date the company has not had another successful drug in comparison to Zimistat. In this case, Barbara’s first order of business was developing a reliable positioning strategy and viable marketing communication strategy for the drug. In 2008, the company awaited patiently for FDA approval with plans of launching the product in the next year. Executive Summary Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP) publicized a first of its kind prescription drug FDA approved drug tailored for moderately overweight individuals named Metabical. The company conducted trial on overweight participants who reached their expected weight loss goa ls in 12 weeks. Despite the delays in pricing, the company estimated the price of the drug as $3-$5 per day. The least treatment period covered 12 weeks. This report sheds light on the development of a reliable positioning strategy and viable marketing communication strategy for the company’s drug. ... This also aids in the identification of potential market targets. The third section is the SWOT analysis for the product. This identifies the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the drug. Thus, the company identifies the communication strategy to adopt in the advertising of the drug. The final focus is the most appropriate communication strategy that suits best the drug. This is advantageous as the company enhances better communication with the consumers. The company spent much money and time on FDA trials and in R&D in trying to decide on the most appropriate marketing communications strategy and positioning plan. Barbara was aware that so as to recover this lump sum investment, the drug required two issues addressed. These included the need for a steady, long-term demand, and a successful launch to attract customers. She reasoned that if the drug did not reach out and appeal to the customers, Metabical’s credibility would raise questions as the FD A approval would be of little significance. Barbara’s challenges came in the optimal segmentation, the positioning and targeting of the Metabical drug. After establishing this, she could now concentrate her energies on creating a time schedule for all major activities and assessing the current communicating and marketing strategies. The case studies helped her in posing several questions. These include: a. Who are the most suited target consumers? b. How are the participants going to get instructions from the company? c. Where are the participants coming from and how to contact them? d. What was the most appropriate message for delivery drafted for the participants? Problem Statement A summary of overweight and obesity issue in the U.S. In reference to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Media Ethics for Online and Social Media

Media Ethics for Online and Social Media ETHICS for ethical media practices in the context of Online and Social Media Introduction The Online and Social Media constitute the major component of the life of people in terms of news, information exchange, gathering information, banking, shopping etc., Unlike the traditional media, in spite of restrictions is the usage of Online media well within the stipulated regulations and ethical? Does interacting in Social media cause social, regulatory , commercial and legal issues? How far is the awareness among the public on the ethical backgrounds, the principles governing this media and the regulations? This paper analyzes the ethics along with the standards and regulations. Online and Social Media Media is a term which represented the print the radio in the olden times. With the growth of technology many other media have emerged based on the internet. Most recently, with the invention of smart phones the media has broadened its scope or it can be viewed as the media has witnessed a new dimension to reach mass audiences. Ethics The increase in the internet usage and the internet access in computers as well as mobile phones and smart phones have vitalized the growth of Social the Online Media. Official UAE census data of Global Media Journal estimates Internet penetration at 82.2%, which is higher than in the United States. The social media is a common platform for information exchange. The reach in multitude makes it necessary for the ethics to be followed. Media Ethics was once considered a quality to be followed by the journalists and the reporters. But today it becomes important for each and every individual making use of Social and Online Media to be ethical. This paper analyzes the extent of ethics that is being adapted. 3.1. Ethics on Online Social media The Online Social media is a platform which is common to one and all. Our personal network, our professional network or any other unknown sources constitute the audience of the Social media. The journalists or the reporters are responsible for the content delivered through the Print or the Broadcasting media. But when it comes to the Social Online media every individual who shares information becomes responsible. NPR Ethics handbook, 2012 states that the probability of access to the internet is also high owing to the cost reduction .Most importantly, the frequency of usage of the social media is very high. Hence the probability of disclosing unethical content is relatively high. 3.2. Ethics on Social, Commercial, Legal, Regulatory and Cultural factors The Online and the Social Media have a direct impact on the society. The information sharing and the freedom of access with anyone and everyone has definitely shaked the institution of a family. The frequent update of information on the growth and achievements cause an internal stress for the segment of the society that has not witnessed growth at all or a relative growth. The reach to the Mass has interested many of the commercial institutions to utilize the Social Media for their business development and marketing. This has opened more doors to any business but at the same time presents a huge competition. According to NPR ethics handbook (2012 ),the society has no way to estimate or to analyze the genuinity of the information or the authenticity of the company as information comes with an unknown author. Consequently, the fake information posted about a specific company or brand on the Social media could also lead to legal problems. Every individual has a close group of friends/ relatives, the next level would be professional friends and then the acquaintances, employers etc., The level of intimacy and the extent of information sharing is not the same in each level. The unnecessary information sharing also is unethical. According to Vallor,Shannon (2012) as employees of an organization, they have a limit in disclosing the information pertaining to the company, the products etc., to be ethical in their approach. The Online and Social media are used by the employees to voice out their personal opinions on the products/ regulations etc., which is unethical. Individuals have their own likes, dislikes, interests and these personal preferences could result in bias towards the people, products, organizations. This bias could either be positive or negative and this is used to influence the people in the Online and Social Media. The children and the teenagers have started using the Social and the Online Media. The Social media has age restrictions but the extent to which it is being followed is highly uncertain. The Wikipedia (2014) states that the personal and confidential information is being disclosed without awareness and they are being preyed upon by the people engaged in unwanted activities resulting in sexual abuse. The elders, in the other hand, are connected to the media through the electronic gadgets and seldom find time for their family. The Online and Social Media give way to cross culture . Cross culture is a salient feature in terms of business but at the same time has a negative impact on the society. Wail. A. Barry, Gwen Bouvier (2011) state that the private or intimate information is brought to public by the unethical use of social media . Every country has a culture, belief structure , values, religion associated with it. The Social Media enhances the awareness of various cultures , religions but sometimes the cultural difference could create an impact on the society. What is correct in a country may seem to wrong in the other country. Ethics in the world UAE. The Online and Social media have kept the whole world connected throughout and has facilitated information exchange, information updation etc,. but at the same time the ethical factors like freedom ,integrity, secrecy are not measurable. In an interview (, 2014) Linda Chandears, President of Daniels Fund states that the children use Social media without proper awareness and get into problems which persist for their lifetime. Also Elliott (, 2014) underlines the fact that Social media came into existence without proper regulations and has been the prime cause of cyber crimes. The information or images posted by the people themselves and sometimes by the peer group has completely shattered the personal and also professional lives. This calls for practicing ethics both in the personal and professional lines and to maintain appropriateness whilst using Social Media .The awareness to maintain ethics in the Social media as well has started and people have started evolving their social media practices . In the UAE, the country as a whole is well connected digitally .The survey indicated 78% of the country’s population had regular Internet access, and that almost half had an account on a social media websites (ibid ). UAE has its own laws and ethics with respect to religion, culture, traditions , beliefs etc.,A TRA person in his interview to UAE Emirates Business 24-7 that any social media that allows interaction without disturbing the country and fellowmen mentally or physically with respect to their values will be allowed. The other sites which cause harm or degrade the society as a whole or specifically children, women etc., are blocked. These studies reveal that the Social and online media are equally gaining predominance in the UAE too and the factors governing media ethics have to be given significant importance too. Principles and standards The basic factors that have to be considered when using a Social Media constitute the principles of Social Media. Jon Reed (2014) describes the information that is delivered in the social media needs to be authentic as it is viewed by the community and cannot be misleading. Social media can be used for marketing but the basic approach towards the social media and the other traditional media has to be different. Building a community in the social media is a lengthy process and more importantly earning reliability as well as trust worthiness is the clue to success. The results in the case of a social media marketing does not happen immediately and the kind of waiting is worth it. The ICCO (2011) clearly specifies that the Social media has been in action for quite some years now and cannot continue in the trial period . The norms have to clear and factual for the customers . The control over the social media and the social media marketing will only enhance confidence on the media. The criteria have to be designed after getting inputs across the line. Different criteria with different standards puzzle the customer and it is time to break various criteria and dwell on a single factor. This helps easier understanding and the results can also be well monitored . This standardization helps in understanding the Social media in complete and to develop and invent methods for the better future. This standardization helps in Social media becoming a constitutive part of the company’s marketing agenda. Overcoming the shortcomings or the misleading factors of the Social media helps in getting utmost clarity and to boost the customers’ confidence levels. In the recent past many companies have been engaged in the tracking of social media basically to understand the functioning and the outcome. These companies also are deriving methods to measure the output levels to improve the marketing strategies or to establish innovative methods for brand building. The Social media sites , their reach, the accuracy, the relative momentum, the passion attached to the sites etc., are analyzed to formulate scientifically measurable marketing processes. The opportunity in the Social media is commendably high owing to the omnipresence , the universal acceptance and the extreme passion attached to them.The challenge is to develop a unique solution to meet the specific needs of the cus tomer rather than standardizing. The traditional media have specific methods to measure the reach, frequency etc., whereas the Social media is yet to develop exact methods The recent aids used in close monitoring are Attending closely/Tracking Social interaction study Impacting study/ focusing Competing standards Website Usage study Network traffic/ topic analysis Quest Analysis Inclination study The methods seem to be simple but it is actually not owing to multiple factors that influence Social Media. The organizations using social media need clarity in the objective and the result expected for the companies to reach a consensus as to accordingly develop a strategy. Appraising the characteristic perspective and in terms of size and number are equally important for accuracy in results. These methods inspect the groups and the interaction perspective to clearly analyze and measure returns. The success of social media depends on the group size and the person who can lead the group. But the probability of accessing the groups and the members is very low. More importantly the openness of the individuals and the extent to which they will stand by the opinion is still a controversy. These aids and methods have to be tested over time to attain accurate methods. The false notion of most of the companies is measuring outcome by counting the number of likes in a social media. The number of likes even though indicates the number of people who actually visited the site is not an accurate way of audited reach. The key is to understand what percentage of the total people who have visited the site would fall into the potential targeted audience and the skill lies in identifying the same. Edelman Berland (2014) states that the organizations are not aware of the trends in Social Media and yet are much interested to be present in Social media  to stick on to the technological upgradations. They look out for advice from adepts in the field and subsequently demand clarity in the methods used. The global need is to develop standards and continuous work has been in progress. Conclusion From the time Social media came into existence, there has not been much ethics in the Online and Social Media. The factors like Social impact on the society, cyber crimes , Social media marketing have started focusing on the importance of the Ethics. The regulations in place require an updation based on the developments in technology. There are specific instances where the existing laws require amendments . These ongoing changes in laws, regulations can be monitored closely. The need for global standards and the regulations for the social media has been understood and the organizations are thriving to get advice on the Social media trends and processes. These standards in a global level will definitely create a benchmark in the Social and the Online Media. 6. References Vallor,Shannon 2012, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Sharlyn Lauby, 2012, Ethics and Social Media: Where Should You Draw The Line? Global Media Journal Arabian Edition Summer/Fall  Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 3-27 , Use of Social Media in the United Arab Emirates Social Media in Wikipedia by Fish Eye Analytics, 2013 McAfee, Parent’s Guide to Social Networking Sites Jon Reed, 2014, 7 Principles of Social Media Marketing Tim Marklein, Practice Leader, Technology Analytics, WCG; Co-chair, Council of PR Firms Measurement Committee,Katie Delahaye Paine, founder and CEO of KDPaine Partners LLC ,Richard Bagnall, MD Metrica, Director Gorkana Group, 2011, ICCO Moving Towards Global Standards for Social Media Measurement, Edelman Berland, Blog, Nelson Garcia, KUSA , 2014, NPR Ethics handbook, 2012,, Wail. A. Barry, Gwen Bouvier, 2011, Cross cultural Communication

Friday, October 25, 2019

Use of Cellular Phones While Driving Essay -- Telephones Communication

Use of Cellular Phones While Driving Cellular phone is a wireless and hand-held device that is well known to the public. It is very common to have a cellular phone now a day since cell phone was introduced to the United States in 1983. According to the wireless industryfs trade association, Cellular Communications & Internet Association, there are over 135 million subscribers in the United States at the time of this writing. It estimates that there will be over 200 million cellular phone subscribers in world wide by the year of 2005. The use of cellular phone has skyrocketed since low-price phones and services plans became widely available to the general public in the recent years. As cellular phone is getting more and more popular among us, the way of how people communicate has been changed quite a bit. This increase of cell phone users has been accompanied by an increase in the number of people talking on the phone concurrently with driving. For instance, according to David Strayer and William Johnston, recent surveys indicate that 85% of cell phone owners use their phone at least occasionally while driving, and 27% report using their phones on half of their trips. Is it dangerous to talk on a cellular phone when someone is driving? This issue is still being debated all over the world. We all have seen people talking on their cell phone and driving at the same time. Can they really do that talking in the phone and being concentrated on driving? Can a phone conversation be dangerous while driving? There are some governments looking at this safety problem and some of governments even have set some restrictions to use cell phone as driving. According to Tenisha Mercer, Brooklyn Heights, Ohio, was the fi... ... his/her hands widely, s/he is not drunk but talking on a cell phone. l You never take your eyes off the road to dial or answer your cellular phone when driving. l Donft talk on your cellular phone when you are on the road unless there is an emergency occurred. Turn off your phone when you are in your car if it is possible. References: David L. Strayer and William A. Johnston (2001). Driven to Distraction: Dual-Task Studies of Simulated Driving and Conversing on a Cellular Telephone Psychological Science, Nov2001, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p462 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 a-columnist--eats-crow--.html Use of Cellular Phones While Driving Essay -- Telephones Communication Use of Cellular Phones While Driving Cellular phone is a wireless and hand-held device that is well known to the public. It is very common to have a cellular phone now a day since cell phone was introduced to the United States in 1983. According to the wireless industryfs trade association, Cellular Communications & Internet Association, there are over 135 million subscribers in the United States at the time of this writing. It estimates that there will be over 200 million cellular phone subscribers in world wide by the year of 2005. The use of cellular phone has skyrocketed since low-price phones and services plans became widely available to the general public in the recent years. As cellular phone is getting more and more popular among us, the way of how people communicate has been changed quite a bit. This increase of cell phone users has been accompanied by an increase in the number of people talking on the phone concurrently with driving. For instance, according to David Strayer and William Johnston, recent surveys indicate that 85% of cell phone owners use their phone at least occasionally while driving, and 27% report using their phones on half of their trips. Is it dangerous to talk on a cellular phone when someone is driving? This issue is still being debated all over the world. We all have seen people talking on their cell phone and driving at the same time. Can they really do that talking in the phone and being concentrated on driving? Can a phone conversation be dangerous while driving? There are some governments looking at this safety problem and some of governments even have set some restrictions to use cell phone as driving. According to Tenisha Mercer, Brooklyn Heights, Ohio, was the fi... ... his/her hands widely, s/he is not drunk but talking on a cell phone. l You never take your eyes off the road to dial or answer your cellular phone when driving. l Donft talk on your cellular phone when you are on the road unless there is an emergency occurred. Turn off your phone when you are in your car if it is possible. References: David L. Strayer and William A. Johnston (2001). Driven to Distraction: Dual-Task Studies of Simulated Driving and Conversing on a Cellular Telephone Psychological Science, Nov2001, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p462 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 a-columnist--eats-crow--.html

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How far has the USA role in world affairs developed from 1929 to 2000?

America had adopted a policy of isolationism following the events of WW1, stating openly that the US wanted to stay out of world affairs. They believed that they were geographically isolated – sufficiently protected from potential enemies by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They wanted to avoid sending US soldiers on another ‘death march’ and instead focus on US economic problems such as the Depression. They managed to keep their role in world affairs to a minimum by not joining the League of Nations and passing a series of Neutrality Acts after 1935 which made them neutral. However, they did not suppress their role in world affairs completely. They were still involved in foreign affairs – they loaned money to Europe to help them recover after WW1 and they signed the Kellog-Briand Pact in 1928 which renounced war as a means of settling disputes. America’s role in world affairs was minimal – they stayed out of the League of Nations but they were still involved in world affairs, shown by the US investment into Europe to help it recover from WW1. America’s role in world affairs changed from isolationist when they joined WW2 in 1941, following the Japanese attack on the US naval fleet at Pearl Harbour on December 7 1941. After the attack, it became evident that America had assumed a more prominent role in world affairs, particularly in Europe and in the Pacific. They had taken part in the D-Day landings in June 1944 with the Allies which had led to the surrender of Germany in May 1945 and had governed the end of the war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. WW2 was an important factor in re-orientating US foreign policy as America had abandoned their policy of isolationism and had intervened in a war. America role in world affairs developed as they emerged from WW2 as a paramount nation that had survived the war with its economy rebuilt and other nations had turned to them for protection from emerging communist countries like the USSR. America had started to play an international role in world affairs when they adopted a policy of containment, announced by Truman in an important speech in March 1947 which marked a turning point in US foreign policy as it was the start of a proactive policy. He backed this policy of containment with the Marshall Plan announced in June 1947 which would provide economic aid to European countries that had suffered badly as a result of WW2 and were struggling to deal with the damage. America played a part in leading the West in the Cold War. America’s involvement in world affairs increased when they sent forces to Korea, Vietnam and Cuba in an attempt to contain communism, which shows they had a more proactive role in world affairs. The expense of the policy of containment had to be cut as the cost of the arms race was massive. America wanted to develop friendlier relations with the Communist superpowers during the 1970s; US foreign policy had changed to detente. Nixon visited China in 1972 and the 21 year old trade embargo was lifted. The policy of detente had improved relations with the USSR between 1972 and 1979 – arms reduction agreements such as SALT 1 emerged. However, when Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, he was not a supporter of detente and called the USSR an ‘evil empire’ in a speech in June 1982. He issued SDI (a plan to shoot down Soviet missiles in space) which caused the relations to deteriorate and cause a Second Cold War. In 1985, the new USSR leader Gorbachev and Reagan returned to the policy of detente and the Cold War ended in 1989. In the 1990s, America had become increasingly involved in the Middle East such as the conflicts of Iran and Iraq. America fought in the Gulf War in 1990 to protect oil supplies in Kuwait, as oil was important to the US economy. This conflict showed that America were still proactive in world affairs and were involved in most of the conflicts. Since 1929, America’s role in world affairs has developed increasingly. They were isolationist and inactive in world affairs in the 1930s. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour forced America to become reactive in world affairs and enter WW2 in 1941. In 1947, America’s role in world affairs had become proactive, attempting to prevent the spread of communism. In the 1970s, America attempted to reduce its role in world affairs by following the policy of detente but the conflicts in the Middle East showed their role to be more proactive in world affairs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comment on an Experience in Your Life Essay

I was a little worried writing about my mother because I thought it would seem like I was looking for sympathy, but I figured it was a good topic to write about because it had the largest effect on me. My goal became to write an essay that didn’t focus on the death or loss but on the change and growth that took place. Being active is something that has always been important to me, and I learned this from growing up with and observing an expert. My mother was more active and involved than anyone I have ever known. She had an endless energy for life, and love for my two brothers and me, and I have tried to be the kind of person that she was. The phrase on her headstone reads: â€Å"A joyous and boundless energy.† My mother was a highly respected kindergarten teacher for twenty years. In addition to working with children as a professional, she was always involved in my elementary school years, as a class mother or President of the PTO. In the summers there were more children, as we would go to sleepaway camp in Maine and she would be in charge of the youngest group of campers. She was always running, playing, consoling, planning, and caring for children. At home, she was just as active. I remember doing homework with her every night and she got so involved with it that she would practically do it for me, which I thought, at the time, was a pretty good thing. We were always going places, visiting friends, just learning, and there was never a dull moment. Though I didn’t know it consciously at the time, she was setting an example which I was bound to follow. Over seven years ago, my mother died after a long battle with melanoma. I was ten at the time, in fifth grade, and I suppose I didn’t really understand it all that well, or as well as my older brothers did. This essay is not about that loss or death, but on the change that took place. After she was gone, things were so drastically different, because there was so much dull time with nothing to fill it but thoughts. I think I learned from my mom about how to be active and I must have decided, subconsciously, to continue in her path. I saw how happy she and the rest of my family were, and I wanted to perpetuate that. Though it was a small beginning, I began the next year by becoming class president. I joined every club I could and participated in different sports. I wanted to do as many different things as I could. One of my memories of junior high was being busy every lunch period with meetings: the math team, student government, Junior National Honor Society. I was the this little tiny kid, the smallest in my grade, and I was always running around and talking. I remember being scolded many times for what I thought was having too much energy. I was always taught, by my mother, that energy was a good thing, and when it got me in trouble it was very confusing. I continued with this energy and involvement throughout my high school years. I come from a very small school, and that has had a positive effect in allowing me to explore many different activity options. I wouldn’t have been able to experiment the way that I did if I had come from a larger school. I found myself involved in athletics, student government and publications, community service, academic competitions, and drama productions. This experimentation allowed me to see what activities I liked the most, and it gave me a good idea of what I want to continue doing. I loved going to my high school and felt close to the 82 other students in my grade. I think I would like to pursue education at a small school which would allow me to continue to participate the way I have. I don’t think it really matters to me exactly what I am doing. I just want to be doing something. I want to be involved and be around people instead of just sitting home. I wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun if I hadn’t participated. I have met so many new people and had so many different experiences. I learned this from my mother and I think it’s a very important lesson. I like to think that my life, and all that I do, is part of a tribute to my mother’s legacy, and that I have inherited some of her â€Å"joyous and boundless energy.