Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The New Angle On Video Essay Samples Just Released

The New Angle On Video Essay Samples Just Released If you discover that the writer did not provide precisely what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. A movie review writing guide provides the writer instructions on the best way to compose a movie review. Revising an assignment is crucial as it will help to clarify the major point together with ensures the readers' needs are satisfied. To begin with, don't provide an overview of a report. The deadline to file your video is March 1. Submissions won't be returned. They are limited to one video per student. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. For example, the entertainment market is now the biggest manufacturer and distributor of American ideological concepts. In the event the author is an individual, then their very first name is used first. Picking a topic can be challenging. The above is of fantastic significance, especially to students who think that critical essays should concentrate on the negative facets of a subject. Critical essay may also open novel ways on how best to approach the topic which can result in more appreciation of it. The Appeal of Video Essay Samples Besides the above, there's a feature of video games that could be a benefit and a drawback. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, in addition to make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Only the very first video submitted by means of an employee is going to be entered in the contest. Allow it to sit for a couple days untouched. To start with, video games are among the best sources of entertainment as they're interactive (Rudon, 2011). Some who play violent video games participate in drug and alcohol abuse whereby they watch the video game for extended hours and wind up assaulting different folks. They make the players to internalize anxiety whenever they have issues whereby they do not feel comfortable sharing with other people to get help. They make many people to develop violence to other people, whereby they lose the feeling of helping others or showing empathy to other people. Students are made to compose critical essays on a range of topics. You might also take a look at scholarship essay examples. You may be interested in high school essay examples. In case you were requested to compose a vital essay about The Canterbury Tales, be sure you are conversant with the material. Material not in the video won't be considered. Stephen's essay is rather effective. The last Global winner is going to be selected from amongst the finalists. If you're to really gain from model essays, you will need to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. There's an endless number of different essay topics that may be analyzed. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. Writing a reaction paper can be a really challenging job, so many students use examples to find out more about its structure and key capabilities. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Every student demands help with homework from time to time. One of the most usual kinds of analysis that college and higher school students perform. It is a good idea to look for the one which has a fantastic reputation and offers high-quality papers at economical prices. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin trying to find a proper writer for your paper. With the assistance of such an outline, you will have the ability to understand how the paper will look like and will be capable of going from 1 paragraph to another smoothly. The second region of the paper is the point where the true work begins. The Little-Known Secrets to Video Essay Samples Writing a reaction paper may be true challenge, but at precisely the same time that it can help you to enhance your analytical abilities and share your opinion with the world! You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the right style. Therefore, an analytical essay is a bit of writing that supplies an informative observation about the particular topic or idea. Writing a critical essay gives us the opportunity to have a look at things from a different standpoint.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How the Relationship Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth...

How the Relationship Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Changes and Develops During the Course of the Play The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth alters throughout the play. At the beginning of the play Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were very close and loving. Lady Macbeth showed that she was supportive to Macbeth and encouraged him to kill Duncan in order to clear all obstacles that would get in the way of Macbeth becoming King! Macbeth is introduced as a brave soldier who is devoted to his King, while Lady Macbeth is introduced as a kind and loving wife, who underneath is actually a scheming and deceitful woman! At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from her husband†¦show more content†¦She manipulated Macbeth and challenged his feelings of guilt, trying to replace them with spiteful feelings. She says: Look like th innocent flower, but be the serpent undert. She tells Macbeth to put on a pleasant face and leave the rest to her. This shows that Lady Macbeth is the dominant character in the relationship at this point in the play. Lady Macbeth ordered her husband around, instructing him on how he should act, and encouraging him to betray his loyal and trusting leader, Duncan. I think one of the main reasons Lady Macbeth tried so hard to persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan was because she wanted the power and glory that came with being Queen, but knew that it could only be gained through Macbeth. In those days, females were seen as the weaker sex, and therefore could not play an important role in society. Macbeths conscience pricks him long before he carries out Duncans murder, and when he starts to have second thoughts about killing him, Lady Macbeth is furious and starts verbally assaulting Macbeths courage and manhood. I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless hums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. Lady Macbeth said this to prove that if she had promised to do something as Macbeth had done, she would kill theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on James I influence in Shakespeares Writing1519 Words   |  7 PagesAfter the Christian conquest across Europe during the medieval period other beliefs were restricted. This period was very authoritarian but later the Renaissance unlocked opportunities to the imagination and the idea of supernatural started to bloom. Although, the supernatural is sometime mistaken with the gods of certain religions, believing in ghosts and witches was independent from the people chosen religion. The question of the existence of the supernatural, or something bigger than us, in 16thRead MorePlay Macbeth11985 Words   |  48 PagesAt the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a respected general, a devoted husband, and a loyal subject of the king. The first of the witches prophecies bring out his ambitious nature, but he struggles with killing the king. By attacking his manhood, Lady Macbeth convinces him to committ the first of his evil deeds. Macbeths evil deed causes him to suffer from fear and guilt, which leads to even more evil crimes. Then Macbeth becomes paranoid, suffering from hallucinations and sleeplessness. He becomesRead MorePlay Macbeth11979 Words   |  48 PagesAt the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a respected general, a devoted husband, and a loyal subject of the king. The first of the witches prophecies bring out his ambitious nature, but he struggles with killing the king. By attacking his manhood, Lady Macbeth convinces him to committ the first of his evil deeds. Macbeths evil deed causes him to suffer from fear and guilt, which leads to even more evil crimes. Then Macbeth becomes paranoid, suffering from hallucinations and sleeplessness. He becomesRead MoreOrder and Disorder in Macbeth4047 Words   |  17 PagesIn Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations play a significant role and con tribute to the development of his character. In the play Macbeth, a man is driven to murder his king and his companions after receiving a fairly ambiguous prophecy told by three witches. Although the witches triggered the series of events that later aid Macbeth’s descent into complete insanity, Macbeth is portrayed from the very beginning as a fierce and violent soldier. As the play goes on, several internalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare and Macbeth8813 Words   |  36 Pagesdrama, on the other hand, always offers a ray of hope; hence,  Macbeth  ends with the coronation of  Malcolm, a new leader who exhibits all the correct virtues for a king. Macbeth  exhibits elements that reflect the greatest Christian tragedy of all: the Fall of Man. 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Shakespeare wrote the play for him, so the play Macbeth is popularlyRead Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words   |  65 Pagesï » ¿ RESEARCH TOPIC An Analytic Review Of Shakespearean Influence On Faulkner s Tragedy RESEARCH QUESTION How Shakespeare tragic patterns influenced on William Faulkner s writings? NAME: SYEDA AMBREEN FATIMA FATHER’S NAME: SYED HASAN AKHTER SEAT NO: 1315793 ENROLMENT NO: 2013/ENG/M.A(LIT)/15681 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 28TH NOV 2013 SUBMITTED TO: MISS SAMREENRead MoreEssay about Ritas Change and her Relationship with Frank3328 Words   |  14 PagesRitas Change and her Relationship with Frank How does Rita’s character change and her relationship with Frank alter during the course of the play? â€Å"Educating Rita† is the story of a married working-class woman, Rita, trying to better and discover herself by attending an open university course. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Cherokee Indians free essay sample

Their homeland included mountains and valleys in the southern part Of the Appalachian Mountain chain. Their territory stretched from North Carolina to Virginia to Tennessee, South Carolina and Alabama. They spoke a dialect of Iroquois language and their ancestral relatives (the Iroquois) occupied much of the Northeast cultural area. The name Cherokee was probably given to them by outsiders since the word Cherokee means, people of different speech The name the Cherokees had for themselves was Ann.-Yuan-way which means, real people. Villages were placed along rivers and streams so they could take advantage of the rich black soil for farming. Corn was their main source of food, along with wild plants and roots that were common to their homeland. They used spears, traps, and fishing lines with hooks to catch many different kinds of fish. They also used an interesting method of poisoning an area of water to kill the fish and gather them up as they floated to the surface. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cherokee Indians or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Cherokees were also skilled hunters. They hunted large animals, such as deer and bear, with bows and arrows.They covered themselves in entire Erikson, antlers and all, and used deer calls to lure the animals to them. They also hunted small game with blowguns that were accurate from up to 60 feet away. The products of their hunts were not only used for food, but for clothing as well. They dressed in buckskin shirts and skirts, made moccasins, capes and other items using their animal resources. Cherokee families usually had two houses- a large summer home and a smaller winter home. The summer houses were rectangular with peaked roofs, and clay walls. The winter houses were placed over a pit with a cone- shaped roof of poles and earth.The Cherokees practiced a variety of crafts, including basketwork and stamped pottery. They also carved, out of woods and gourds, masks representing good and evil spirits. These masks were used during their many hunting, agricultural and healing rituals. They held these ceremonies at key times of the year, such as harvest time. Each village was run by two chiefs. The White Chief, or Most Beloved Man helped the villagers make decisions concerning farming, lawmaking, and disputes between individuals, families, or clans. He also played a large role in religious ceremonies. The Red Chief gave advice concerning warfare. One such decision was choosing who would be the War Woman, an honored woman chosen to accompany braves on their war parties. The War Woman did not fight, but helped feed the men, offered them council, and decided which prisoners would live or die. The Red Chief was also in charge of the lacrosse games which were called little wars. Lacrosse was played within tribes and against other tribes. It is one of the first known friendly competitions between Indian tribes. Hernandez De Sotto was the first European explorer to come into contact with he Cherokees, when he arrived in their territory in 1540.The Europeans were very impressed with the highly advanced cultures. Relations with outsiders started off wonderfully with the Cherokees. They learned from the settlers around them and adopted new methods of farming and business. They became faithful allies of the Americans and fought with them in numerous wars. In fact, a Cherokee chief named Sandusky personally saved the life of future president Andrew Jackson. In 1820, they established a republican form of government and founded the Cherokee Nation under a institution, with an elected principal chief, a senate and a house of representatives.Much of this work was done by a man named See ayah who developed a written language so the Cherokee could record and document their government. He is the only person in history to single handedly invent an entire alphabet. Despite the changes and great attempts to adapt and fit in, the Cherokees were discriminated against. When gold was discovered near Daylong, Georgia, the whites called for the relocation of the Cherokee. In 1 830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act despite having had is own life saved by these Indians.This relocation is known as the Trail of Tears, and is the subject of much discussion and debate. Over 1/4th of the entire Cherokee population died out during this relocation. The Trail of Tears was not the only injustice enacted upon them. Originally, the relocation was supposed to be a permanent homeland for various tribes. The promised region included what is today, Arkansas, Missouri and Iowa. However, these lands were slowly reduced and taken away from the Indians too. By 1 889, two million acres had been bought from the Indians at deciduously low prices.The Oklahoma land run took place that year, with settlers lining up at a starting point to race for choice pieces. These lifestyles, major events and other minor ones became the source and reason behind the stories told by Indians. Many stories and poems reflected happenings in their lives and feelings they had. Indian literature allows us to see and feel what the Indians had to go through. Much of the literature they had was passed on orally. This is unfortunate since you lose so much meaning and feeling when reading something rather than having it told to you out loud.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

To what extent did Hitlers Policies attract working class support between 1933 and 1939 Essay Example

To what extent did Hitlers Policies attract working class support between 1933 and 1939 Essay It has been argued that resentment amongst the working classes made this group most resistant to the Nazi regime. Growing resentment seemed apparent in the late thirties, in industrial slowdowns, but it fails to accurately reflect the general sentiment amongst workers. Declining working class support was arguably inevitable when economic promises went unfulfilled, as most historians agree efforts to instill Nazi ideology were least effective amongst workers. Many industrial workers remained influenced by enduring affiliations to the opposing ideology of Communism and its class struggle. These values represented a barrier to support, which Bartov argued policy could never overcome: making the working class issue, the most significant case in point as regards the Nazi Regimes failure1 to overcome class boundaries.The lack of ideological commitment amongst workers prompted Hitlers grandiose economic promises. Support was therefore constantly reliant on economics and the ability to creat e jobs in the midst of a depression. This made support fragile and temporary: propaganda emphasis on workers importance provided little comfort during economic instability. Leisure opportunities provided by Strength Through Joy (KdF) were received gratefully, and although ideological impact was limited, the scheme convinced some workers conditions were improving under the regime. Just like the initial economic recovery, its effect was superficial support limited, as the regimes values failed to penetrate working class psyche. Ultimately, this failure to instill ideology placed too great a burden on economic policy, which could not be maintained given the priority of preparing for war.The fulcrum of Hitlers social policies for workers was the creation of jobs and wage increases to reflect recovery of the national economy and pride. There was recognition of the range of concerns amongst German workers with the propaganda effort stressing the relative merits of different sectors on top of the incessant emphasis on the importance of workers more generally. In particular, Hitler had built up the peasantry2 making them central to the Peoples Community, but insistence upon job creation schemes and economic stability was arguably more influential. Mason argued that many workers were convinced by the Nazi economic miracle and that this was perhaps an inevitable product of the uncertainty of the recent depths of the Depression3. We may suspect exaggeration of the economic factor from a Marxist historian, but he is correct to stress the strong position the regime had. The economic uncertainty allowed Hitler to be portrayed as a savior, but this connection arguably made his support fragile as economic progress was not guaranteed. However, a temporary fulfillment of key economic promises increased working class support and ensured enormous personal gains mainly perhaps among workers4 for Hitler in the early years where security was established. This recognition reveals tha t the early years enhanced the Fuhrers aura as a man of action in whom workers could trust.However nominal hourly wages in 1933 were 97 per cent of19325 and in this regard the miracle was not realized in tangible economic terms. Therefore as early as 1935 SOPADE reported economic uncertainty placed great strain on the mental strength.6 The SOPADE reports naturally contained a sentiment opposed to the regime as an extension of their political endeavors. Operating within industrial centres, they witnessed genuinely negative sentiment, which they frequently exaggerated. Kershaw recognized a playing down of genuine approval7, which must be considered when evaluating workers support. The disenfranchisement of SOPADE was seen in the description of an initially positive working class response to the socio-economic policy as a mystery8. This showed security and stability could overcome reservations over the regime. While support fluctuated across different industries the enduring trend was insistence upon the centrality of economics. Kershaw argued discontent rooted in socio-economic experience [was] remarkable9, highlighting wage increases as priority. Housden assessed factors which ensured workers compliance: propaganda incentives, food and Gestapo surveillance10. However, relatively little insight is provided without evaluating their relative importance which varied widely by time and location. He shows economic stability was not alone in attracting workers support, but initially it was decisive.Any possibility of cohesive working class resistance effectively ended with the 1934 abolition of trade unions and centralization of power through the DAF. This policy revealed urgency of decisively minimizing workers resistance. Having promised to, build upworkers rights11 this removal of political expression was not immediately contradictory given propaganda which aligned it with Volksgemeinschaft. Portrayed as a key step toward ending class conflict, the restructuring in fact represented a major victory for the employers, whose heightened responsibility reflected Hitlers insistence on efficiency for rearmament and a willingness to act at the expense of the employee12 in pursuit of grander targets. In this sense, the Law could be viewed as necessary in preventing cohesive opposition. In spite of an ideological insistence which convinced wealthier workers, a high proportion of industrial workers remained firmly, but impotently opposed.Mason, whose insistence on class struggle demands caution, argued the law inevitably produced a legacy of deep bitterness13; which is a valid historical judgment in this instance, combining the emotional impact of this act with pre-existing oppositional sentiment. The disposition of older industrial workers could not be overturned by the propaganda of Ley, Germany has sung the praises of the working man14 which appeared hypocritical given the removal of rights. The reputation of the DAF was damaged by institutionalize d corruption which heightened animosity amongst those workers forced to sustain it15. Evans insistence on compulsion explains enduring hostility. Whilst the DAF could efficiently distribute ideological doctrine, its foundations established resentment amongst industrial workers which accentuated their existing commitment to class struggle. Removal of trade unions was unpopular but cruelly ended the possibility for legal objection and so served its function for the regime.Social policies like KdF were signaled as examples of increased opportunities for the working classes and this was intended to increase support for a regime. Hitler proclaimed publicly, I wish that the worker be granted a sufficient holiday16 and although this has the obvious propagandist intention of highlighting improving workers conditions: arguably, Hitler truly believed he could break class barriers and thereby legitimize his dictatorship. This assessment portrays Hitler manipulating the utopian sentiment to pro tect his own reputation: the contemporary view of KdF as a clever appeal to unpolitical workers 17 reinforces this notion.It had been stated it would insert an ideological content into every kind of leisure18, but to workers with no concept of class struggle, the opportunity of middle class leisure activities alone was enough to convince of a concerted effort to improve conditions and this SOPADE account reflects resignation to attraction of superficial policies for less ideologically opposed workers. SOPADE reports are fascinating due to the variety of opinion which was obtained by their national investigations. One report claimed workers felt sand [was] being thrown in their eyes19. This could imply KdF was largely unpopular, or that while its propagandist intentions were too apparent, its benefits and emphasis on workers livelihood encouraged greater sympathy with the regime. Ultimately these reports reflect despair that by 1939 social policy had increased workers support: overpo wering negative reaction to reduced freedoms.Popularity seems validated by participating numbers: almost 7million short trips in 193820, but ideological infiltration is inherently unquantifiable. Enjoyment of holidays provided only a temporary morale boost and could not affect significant changes in political disposition, in the long term. On top of this generality, the older industrial workers were too deeply imbued with Marxist ideas of class conflict to yield directly to its appeal21, which confirms Evans judgment that superficial social policy would inevitably fail in its wider propaganda function. This imbalance in political sentiment actually led KdF to accentuate class differences amongst workers and the nation as a whole. SOPADE observed middle classes chosing trips with a more select clientele22, which clarifies existing prejudices and the lack of integration which arguably represented failure. Hitler defied these reports in 1939, arguing, We have broken down classes23, but the obvious need to prepare a nation for war implies this goes beyond mere wishful thinking.Although Kershaw argued that such social propaganda, made little dent in traditional class loyalties24; the correspondence of Christina Bielenberg who sensed, social divisions are melting25, illustrates that even opponents of the regime observed progress. Whereas SOPADE arguably manipulated workers sentiment, this personal perception contains no obvious bias and remains relevant in spite of its limitation. No single observation could illustrate the true situation but Kershaw arguably marginalizes the range of support to insist disproportionately upon class solidarity. Nonetheless it is now clear that the lasting impact of social policy was to accentuate class differences. This was apparent throughout KdF and even through the charitable Winterhilfe scheme which showed a commitment to easing poverty. Donations were obtained through social obligation and this placed unfair pressure on poorer wo rking classes who were equally compelled.Failure of social policys propaganda was arguably produced by cynicism that they distracted from limited economic progress. Its compensatory function was not realized only by SOPADE, as there was also recognition within the DAF that holidays, could not fill hungry mouths26, with the implication that funds could have been used more responsibly. Evans uses statistics and written accounts to validate the contemporary judgment amongst working class that social policies substituted wage increases. Nazis attempted insisted upon a consideration of [the] position the workers 27 in a piece of propaganda reasserting the National Community, which failed to convince workers. What workers were convinced by, temporarily and superficially, was the opportunity to escape everyday life and although this effect extended even to the most resistant workers, it did not represent ideological submission.The influence of war preparations had a multi-faceted impact up on attempts to create the National Community. Evans argued effectiveness of social measures was limited because they were ruthlessly subordinated28 to rearmament. The relationship is more complicated however as the war provided jobs for the working class and boosted the reputation of Hitler through successes like the annexing of Austria. Although weapons production ensured new jobs, they were only temporary: and meanwhile other industries suffered. So, while some benefited short term, the perceived importance of war encouraged the regime to delay reforms reliant on lebensraum. This necessary delaying also encouraged the temporary, compensatory policies like KdF which had limited impact.Bartov noted the Workers resistance has been signalled as a demonstration of the regimes failure,29 but subliminally criticizes historians like Mason, who arguably attributed too much significance to rising absenteeism. Masons Marxist background presents itself in an insistence upon class struggle, bu t his judgment of, a massive, but not a fundamental, principled challenge to the regime30, is suitably balanced and accurate. Mason justifies his argument by detailing the extent of the resistance through statistical evidence and his assessment is strengthened by Housdens argument, worker unrest never became really unmanageable for the regime31.Importantly, The Gestapos influence and the willingness to use violence arguably meant disorganized opposition could never have presented a significant problem. SOPADE reported, The number of those who consciously criticize is very small32 which reinforces the levels of fear which produced passive compliance despite ideological resistance. The emergence of widespread resistance in the late 1930s reflected the inability of social policies to undermine the class struggle, but also illustrated the regimes ability to prevent significant resistance.The workers resistance was in itself unremarkable; representing inevitable resurfacing of barely-hid den Communist allegiances amongst industrial workers. Residual oppositional sentiment could not be shaken by social policies frequently dismissed as non-too-subtle propaganda. KdF appealed to a certain sentiment and encouraged increased support, but the superficiality and often negative economic impact failed to satisfy the poorest workers. Propaganda thus represented a blunt tool to attract wider support, and as a result the regime generally had to rely on tangible economic improvement and the instruments of repression to provide the required stability for the war effort. Overall, measures to attract support were marginally successful, but this arguably meant little in any case given the instruments of oppression at the regimes disposal.