Sunday, November 10, 2019

Persuasive Essay

â€Å"It's not Just a game. † to many athletes this statement rings true. Sports fuel the drive and determination within people, and provide them an essential learning tool from which they can grow. Competitive is defined as, â€Å"of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than other : relating to or involving competition . â€Å"(Merriam-Webster. Com) This concept of competitiveness is the foundation of all sports.The competitive spirit and thirst to ant to better oneself in order to be at the top is a fueling force that will propel our children far beyond their years on the court. Providing children with equal playing time in youth sports discourages the necessary need for healthy competition and takes away valuable life lessons that will prepare them for the future. With over six years of experience coaching girls basketball at the grade school level, the debate over playing time Is one thing that I have enco untered a lot. For the most part people are strongly on one side or the other.Although there are other people Like me that agrees with this rule, in most grade school sports this rule has become a mandatory enforced aspect of the game – slowly and forcefully crushing the heart of the competitiveness that so many athletes Join sports for. There are many counterclaim to this debate ranging from psychological harm all the way to it creating the obesity epidemic we are currently facing in our country. One debate that I have heard numerous times is that children learn through playing an actual game verses only in practice. This is ridiculous!To start off, any good player treats practice as Hough it Is a game and puts forth Just as much effort. Coaches demand this Intensity level In practice, so they can adequately prepare their team for the actual games. Practice Is where you learn; games are where you put your skills to the test. If kids actually learned more from games, and the purpose of coaching girl's basketball at the beginning grade school level was in fact to Children should have to earn their playing time. When we enforce the equal playing time rule we are taking away the goal in which the athletes aspire to achieve.We demise the competitive nature of the port, and destroy the heart of the game. Not everybody can be winners, that is the harsh reality of life! Kids put in the effort in practice in order to win games, therefore the best players should be the ones on the court representing their team. Why even keep score if the important is not who wins? Sports are suppose to be a competition thus they are going to have winners and losers. This teaches the kids the importance of sportsmanship and give them something to work towards. Similar to grades In school, some students earn better grades than others and they are rewarded for It.Sports should not be any different and we should allow the better athletes to shine, excel and be praised for their valu ables rather than try and hold them back in order to even out the playing field for other players. No where in life are harder and catch up to the level in which their opponents are at! The physical benefits that some argue are important to implement at such a young age is another argument put forth by the opposing side that I have heard numerous times. They claim that the importance of allowing children to rest in the game is crucial to maintaining their physical health and preventing injuries.The obvious factor in which this statement fails to ring true is that at any level players should be in a good enough physical condition to not only run the full amount of the game but to also be able hustle and go one hundred percent the entire time. This is why practices are usually twice as long as games and any good coach expects their player to hustle throughout every drill. The obesity issue in which parents argue that by benching children it discourages them from playing the sport and thus results in a decrease of physical activity. If the child's main goal is to get physically fit than they should not be n a team sport.There are many individual sports in which a child can strictly work towards bettering themselves without hurting the rest of the team. If a parent is trying to put their child's physical well being on the responsibility of their child's coach that is absurd. A sports season is strictly Just that a season and no coach should have to worry about the child's physical fitness level during a game. If the coach allows the child practice with the team than by far he has fulfilled his duty. Lastly, the main argument that so many parents think they are Justified in preaching s the physiological harm that is instilled in a child that rides the bench.Lack of self confidence and the feeling of unworthiness are claimed to have a more damaging affect on children than the fairy tale reality that equal playing time blinds them with. Why lie to our children? As pa rents and coaches we are suppose to prepare kids to excel at the next levels in life. The ability to get back on their feet after being knocked down and make the most out of any situation by far out shines this cushioning effect that parents insist that coaches to provide. This does nothing but Ella the inevitable and handicap our children from learning the correct coping techniques to excel in not only sports but also in life.One of the best basketball players of all time, Michael Jordan, has been quoted saying, â€Å"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. † It is not Just a game, it is a way of life. When the debate over equal playing is brought up the most important thing to remember is to keep the bigger picture in mind.Yes sports at the grade school level do have t he task of introducing the fundamentals of the game to individuals but they also carry the ability to teach so much more! Let the sport be the teacher and don't manipulate the self guided lessons that players will encounter and benefit immensely from. To instill a sense of entitlement rather than a hard working mentality is exactly what giving the children equal playing is doing. Playing time at any level should be something that an athlete has to earn and the competitive spirit within a game should be praised and fueled not manipulated. Persuasive Essay â€Å"It's not Just a game. † to many athletes this statement rings true. Sports fuel the drive and determination within people, and provide them an essential learning tool from which they can grow. Competitive is defined as, â€Å"of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than other : relating to or involving competition . â€Å"(Merriam-Webster. Com) This concept of competitiveness is the foundation of all sports.The competitive spirit and thirst to ant to better oneself in order to be at the top is a fueling force that will propel our children far beyond their years on the court. Providing children with equal playing time in youth sports discourages the necessary need for healthy competition and takes away valuable life lessons that will prepare them for the future. With over six years of experience coaching girls basketball at the grade school level, the debate over playing time Is one thing that I have enco untered a lot. For the most part people are strongly on one side or the other.Although there are other people Like me that agrees with this rule, in most grade school sports this rule has become a mandatory enforced aspect of the game – slowly and forcefully crushing the heart of the competitiveness that so many athletes Join sports for. There are many counterclaim to this debate ranging from psychological harm all the way to it creating the obesity epidemic we are currently facing in our country. One debate that I have heard numerous times is that children learn through playing an actual game verses only in practice. This is ridiculous!To start off, any good player treats practice as Hough it Is a game and puts forth Just as much effort. Coaches demand this Intensity level In practice, so they can adequately prepare their team for the actual games. Practice Is where you learn; games are where you put your skills to the test. If kids actually learned more from games, and the purpose of coaching girl's basketball at the beginning grade school level was in fact to Children should have to earn their playing time. When we enforce the equal playing time rule we are taking away the goal in which the athletes aspire to achieve.We demise the competitive nature of the port, and destroy the heart of the game. Not everybody can be winners, that is the harsh reality of life! Kids put in the effort in practice in order to win games, therefore the best players should be the ones on the court representing their team. Why even keep score if the important is not who wins? Sports are suppose to be a competition thus they are going to have winners and losers. This teaches the kids the importance of sportsmanship and give them something to work towards. Similar to grades In school, some students earn better grades than others and they are rewarded for It.Sports should not be any different and we should allow the better athletes to shine, excel and be praised for their valu ables rather than try and hold them back in order to even out the playing field for other players. No where in life are harder and catch up to the level in which their opponents are at! The physical benefits that some argue are important to implement at such a young age is another argument put forth by the opposing side that I have heard numerous times. They claim that the importance of allowing children to rest in the game is crucial to maintaining their physical health and preventing injuries.The obvious factor in which this statement fails to ring true is that at any level players should be in a good enough physical condition to not only run the full amount of the game but to also be able hustle and go one hundred percent the entire time. This is why practices are usually twice as long as games and any good coach expects their player to hustle throughout every drill. The obesity issue in which parents argue that by benching children it discourages them from playing the sport and thus results in a decrease of physical activity. If the child's main goal is to get physically fit than they should not be n a team sport.There are many individual sports in which a child can strictly work towards bettering themselves without hurting the rest of the team. If a parent is trying to put their child's physical well being on the responsibility of their child's coach that is absurd. A sports season is strictly Just that a season and no coach should have to worry about the child's physical fitness level during a game. If the coach allows the child practice with the team than by far he has fulfilled his duty. Lastly, the main argument that so many parents think they are Justified in preaching s the physiological harm that is instilled in a child that rides the bench.Lack of self confidence and the feeling of unworthiness are claimed to have a more damaging affect on children than the fairy tale reality that equal playing time blinds them with. Why lie to our children? As pa rents and coaches we are suppose to prepare kids to excel at the next levels in life. The ability to get back on their feet after being knocked down and make the most out of any situation by far out shines this cushioning effect that parents insist that coaches to provide. This does nothing but Ella the inevitable and handicap our children from learning the correct coping techniques to excel in not only sports but also in life.One of the best basketball players of all time, Michael Jordan, has been quoted saying, â€Å"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. † It is not Just a game, it is a way of life. When the debate over equal playing is brought up the most important thing to remember is to keep the bigger picture in mind.Yes sports at the grade school level do have t he task of introducing the fundamentals of the game to individuals but they also carry the ability to teach so much more! Let the sport be the teacher and don't manipulate the self guided lessons that players will encounter and benefit immensely from. To instill a sense of entitlement rather than a hard working mentality is exactly what giving the children equal playing is doing. Playing time at any level should be something that an athlete has to earn and the competitive spirit within a game should be praised and fueled not manipulated. Persuasive Essay Keep Cigarette Sale and Production legal: Save the Economy Cigarette smoking dates back to the 9th century; when cigarettes were first invented in Central America, and has become a popular habit since then. Smoking is prevalent all over the world, and it has been estimated that the number of smokers will continue to rise despite the various campaigns taken against it. It is a widely accepted fact that smoking causes many health problems and thousands of people die each year, but should smoking be made illegal?Although smoking is hazardous to health and the environment, but making it illegal is a serious implementation which if not enforced successfully, will lead to huge losses for a particular economy. Should smoking be made illegal, the sale and production of cigarettes will drastically go down as will the number of smokers dying from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases, but prohibiting it by law is too extreme. All over the world, especially in poorer underdeveloped cou ntries a huge number of people are employed by cigarette making companies. If the production of cigarettes is banned, a lot of people will lose jobs.The probability of all of these people getting employed again is low; as most of them are not educated enough to meet the minimum requirement for other jobs and are the sole sources of income for their families. The main reason governments all over the world have not banned cigarette production is the huge amounts of revenue and taxes generated from its sale. These taxes are used to build many important institutions like public schools and hospitals. While it is true there are many more sources of income for the government, in present age we cannot deny the part tobacco companies play in increasing our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In the year 2000 tax revenue from cigarettes totaled Pak Rs. 19. 8 billion, representing approximately 25% of all excise revenue generated in the country for that year†. (â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan, 1†). Apart from tobacco farmers and nicotine suppliers, cigarette production provides income for advertising firms, whitening products and mouth fresheners companies. One of the biggest side effects of making cigarette production illegal is the rise of the black markets. Black markets are underground trading places where goods banned by the government are bought and sold.They may also involve trading across borders. It is very likely they start operating in economies where selling cigarettes is banned. Ireland, East Bourne, and Paraguay have some of the highest illicit cigarette trading. The government in UK took strong measures to cut down cigarette production resulting in cigarettes being illegally sold across borders. â€Å"The UK Government has lost at least ? 16. 7 billion tax revenue from the black market sale of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco over a 5 year period, according to its own statistics†(â€Å"? 16. 7 billion loss in smoki ng tax revenues† ).Though the cigarette companies play an important role in maintaining the economy, the harmful effects of smoking cannot be overlooked. In the recent years, smoking has been known to be the cause of oral cancer, lung cancer, and heart diseases and many more problems, most of which have proved to be fatal. Nicotine used in cigarettes causes brain damage and even abnormalities in child birth. Smokers have bad breath, yellow teeth; burned fingers and are looked upon with disgust. The estimated number of deaths each year by cigarette smoking is 445,000 in the United States.By 2030, this number is expected to rise even more, especially in developing countries where smoking is constantly on the rise. In trying to tackle this problem, governments in almost 30 countries across the world including Pakistan, have made it mandatory to issue warning messages on the cigarette packets by law orders. Even the advertising companies are required to show health concern message s at the end of the advertisement. This means that people buying cigarettes are fully aware of the health risks involved but they still continue to do so.Smoking in a voluntary habit, it is a choice. The solution to this problem lies in educating people about how valuable a human life is and not banning smoking. Cigarettes are an environmental hazard. Cigarette fires are a major threat of smoking, caused mainly by the carelessness of the smoker. While it is true it is a serious problem, it can be prevented by taking a few simple measures. Fire-safe cigarettes are a lot less likely to catch on fire when left unattended and by taking this simple precaution many of these fires can be avoided.Furthermore cigarettes are not biodegradable. It can take a lot of years for them to decompose. This problem can be tackled by improving the recycling and disposable systems of the country. These problems are not so difficult to deal with if just some simple safety measures are taken while making t hem completely illegal will have much more disastrous effects. While the harmful effects of smoking are widely known, research has shown some of the positive effects of smoking as well. Smokers admit that smoking causes soothing, relaxes the mind and helps deal with depression.Scientific studies show that smoking improves concentration and helps to focus. Smokers have proven to have better responsiveness and sharper memory than non-smokers. â€Å"After 40 years  of scientific research on the effects of nicotine, researchers now say that they have sound scientific proof that smoking and nicotine have a significant positive effect on human brain performance†(â€Å"Science is conclusive: tobacco increases work capacity†). Nicotine also is said to enhance new blood vessel development and decrease chances of Parkinson’s disease.Furthermore, nicotine boosts up creativity and innovation. Many famous celebrities, artists, musicians have committed to smoking in the pea k time of their careers. Tobacco which is a major component of cigarettes is also widely used in many other addictive substances, like water pipe tobacco and snuff. The main purpose of making the production of cigarettes illegal is to stop the rising number of deaths occurring each year because of smoking, but if many other alternatives which provide the same level of addiction are available the purpose of the ban is likely to fail.Keeping in mind the pros and cons of making the sale and production of cigarettes illegal, banning smoking will cause more serious and long lasting problems than it will solve. The income generated by this sector of the economy will fall down immensely. Black markets operating in the country will start selling them as smoking is an addiction and is not a habit which can easily be quit. Smoking is often associated with suicide, while it is true smokers die earlier than non-smokers; the final decision depends on the smoker’s discretion.As far as the health and environment issues of smoking are concerned, they are upon the smokers own will and can be stopped if people start caring about their lives and their loved ones. An issue as serious as this one needs to be inspected properly if any decision has to be taken. If the ban on cigarette production is not implemented properly, it will lead to a huge fall in the employment level. If smokers dying every day is such an important concern, what about those people who will lose their jobs permanently? How will they feed their families?In poorer countries no other jobs are available for them and hundreds of families may lose their source of income. The taxes generated by the government will be cut off and much of the development in countries will die down. The true cure lies in making people more aware through advertisements and warning labels which is already been done by many countries all over the world. Because in the end the choice mainly lies in the hand of the smoker, what he or she thinks is more important: his or her own life or the pleasures of smoking. Words: 1310. Works Cited â€Å"? 16. 7 Billion Loss in Smoking Tax Revenues. Freedom 2 Choose. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Khan, Javaid. â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan. †Ã‚  Editorial. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Science Is Conclusive: Tobacco Increases Work Capacity. † International Liberty News Network. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Should Smoking Be Banned? † Debate. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Smoking Thrills but Kills. † Pakistan Today. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Persuasive Essay â€Å"It's not Just a game. † to many athletes this statement rings true. Sports fuel the drive and determination within people, and provide them an essential learning tool from which they can grow. Competitive is defined as, â€Å"of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than other : relating to or involving competition . â€Å"(Merriam-Webster. Com) This concept of competitiveness is the foundation of all sports.The competitive spirit and thirst to ant to better oneself in order to be at the top is a fueling force that will propel our children far beyond their years on the court. Providing children with equal playing time in youth sports discourages the necessary need for healthy competition and takes away valuable life lessons that will prepare them for the future. With over six years of experience coaching girls basketball at the grade school level, the debate over playing time Is one thing that I have enco untered a lot. For the most part people are strongly on one side or the other.Although there are other people Like me that agrees with this rule, in most grade school sports this rule has become a mandatory enforced aspect of the game – slowly and forcefully crushing the heart of the competitiveness that so many athletes Join sports for. There are many counterclaim to this debate ranging from psychological harm all the way to it creating the obesity epidemic we are currently facing in our country. One debate that I have heard numerous times is that children learn through playing an actual game verses only in practice. This is ridiculous!To start off, any good player treats practice as Hough it Is a game and puts forth Just as much effort. Coaches demand this Intensity level In practice, so they can adequately prepare their team for the actual games. Practice Is where you learn; games are where you put your skills to the test. If kids actually learned more from games, and the purpose of coaching girl's basketball at the beginning grade school level was in fact to Children should have to earn their playing time. When we enforce the equal playing time rule we are taking away the goal in which the athletes aspire to achieve.We demise the competitive nature of the port, and destroy the heart of the game. Not everybody can be winners, that is the harsh reality of life! Kids put in the effort in practice in order to win games, therefore the best players should be the ones on the court representing their team. Why even keep score if the important is not who wins? Sports are suppose to be a competition thus they are going to have winners and losers. This teaches the kids the importance of sportsmanship and give them something to work towards. Similar to grades In school, some students earn better grades than others and they are rewarded for It.Sports should not be any different and we should allow the better athletes to shine, excel and be praised for their valu ables rather than try and hold them back in order to even out the playing field for other players. No where in life are harder and catch up to the level in which their opponents are at! The physical benefits that some argue are important to implement at such a young age is another argument put forth by the opposing side that I have heard numerous times. They claim that the importance of allowing children to rest in the game is crucial to maintaining their physical health and preventing injuries.The obvious factor in which this statement fails to ring true is that at any level players should be in a good enough physical condition to not only run the full amount of the game but to also be able hustle and go one hundred percent the entire time. This is why practices are usually twice as long as games and any good coach expects their player to hustle throughout every drill. The obesity issue in which parents argue that by benching children it discourages them from playing the sport and thus results in a decrease of physical activity. If the child's main goal is to get physically fit than they should not be n a team sport.There are many individual sports in which a child can strictly work towards bettering themselves without hurting the rest of the team. If a parent is trying to put their child's physical well being on the responsibility of their child's coach that is absurd. A sports season is strictly Just that a season and no coach should have to worry about the child's physical fitness level during a game. If the coach allows the child practice with the team than by far he has fulfilled his duty. Lastly, the main argument that so many parents think they are Justified in preaching s the physiological harm that is instilled in a child that rides the bench.Lack of self confidence and the feeling of unworthiness are claimed to have a more damaging affect on children than the fairy tale reality that equal playing time blinds them with. Why lie to our children? As pa rents and coaches we are suppose to prepare kids to excel at the next levels in life. The ability to get back on their feet after being knocked down and make the most out of any situation by far out shines this cushioning effect that parents insist that coaches to provide. This does nothing but Ella the inevitable and handicap our children from learning the correct coping techniques to excel in not only sports but also in life.One of the best basketball players of all time, Michael Jordan, has been quoted saying, â€Å"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. † It is not Just a game, it is a way of life. When the debate over equal playing is brought up the most important thing to remember is to keep the bigger picture in mind.Yes sports at the grade school level do have t he task of introducing the fundamentals of the game to individuals but they also carry the ability to teach so much more! Let the sport be the teacher and don't manipulate the self guided lessons that players will encounter and benefit immensely from. To instill a sense of entitlement rather than a hard working mentality is exactly what giving the children equal playing is doing. Playing time at any level should be something that an athlete has to earn and the competitive spirit within a game should be praised and fueled not manipulated. Persuasive Essay Keep Cigarette Sale and Production legal: Save the Economy Cigarette smoking dates back to the 9th century; when cigarettes were first invented in Central America, and has become a popular habit since then. Smoking is prevalent all over the world, and it has been estimated that the number of smokers will continue to rise despite the various campaigns taken against it. It is a widely accepted fact that smoking causes many health problems and thousands of people die each year, but should smoking be made illegal?Although smoking is hazardous to health and the environment, but making it illegal is a serious implementation which if not enforced successfully, will lead to huge losses for a particular economy. Should smoking be made illegal, the sale and production of cigarettes will drastically go down as will the number of smokers dying from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases, but prohibiting it by law is too extreme. All over the world, especially in poorer underdeveloped cou ntries a huge number of people are employed by cigarette making companies. If the production of cigarettes is banned, a lot of people will lose jobs.The probability of all of these people getting employed again is low; as most of them are not educated enough to meet the minimum requirement for other jobs and are the sole sources of income for their families. The main reason governments all over the world have not banned cigarette production is the huge amounts of revenue and taxes generated from its sale. These taxes are used to build many important institutions like public schools and hospitals. While it is true there are many more sources of income for the government, in present age we cannot deny the part tobacco companies play in increasing our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In the year 2000 tax revenue from cigarettes totaled Pak Rs. 19. 8 billion, representing approximately 25% of all excise revenue generated in the country for that year†. (â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan, 1†). Apart from tobacco farmers and nicotine suppliers, cigarette production provides income for advertising firms, whitening products and mouth fresheners companies. One of the biggest side effects of making cigarette production illegal is the rise of the black markets. Black markets are underground trading places where goods banned by the government are bought and sold.They may also involve trading across borders. It is very likely they start operating in economies where selling cigarettes is banned. Ireland, East Bourne, and Paraguay have some of the highest illicit cigarette trading. The government in UK took strong measures to cut down cigarette production resulting in cigarettes being illegally sold across borders. â€Å"The UK Government has lost at least ? 16. 7 billion tax revenue from the black market sale of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco over a 5 year period, according to its own statistics†(â€Å"? 16. 7 billion loss in smoki ng tax revenues† ).Though the cigarette companies play an important role in maintaining the economy, the harmful effects of smoking cannot be overlooked. In the recent years, smoking has been known to be the cause of oral cancer, lung cancer, and heart diseases and many more problems, most of which have proved to be fatal. Nicotine used in cigarettes causes brain damage and even abnormalities in child birth. Smokers have bad breath, yellow teeth; burned fingers and are looked upon with disgust. The estimated number of deaths each year by cigarette smoking is 445,000 in the United States.By 2030, this number is expected to rise even more, especially in developing countries where smoking is constantly on the rise. In trying to tackle this problem, governments in almost 30 countries across the world including Pakistan, have made it mandatory to issue warning messages on the cigarette packets by law orders. Even the advertising companies are required to show health concern message s at the end of the advertisement. This means that people buying cigarettes are fully aware of the health risks involved but they still continue to do so.Smoking in a voluntary habit, it is a choice. The solution to this problem lies in educating people about how valuable a human life is and not banning smoking. Cigarettes are an environmental hazard. Cigarette fires are a major threat of smoking, caused mainly by the carelessness of the smoker. While it is true it is a serious problem, it can be prevented by taking a few simple measures. Fire-safe cigarettes are a lot less likely to catch on fire when left unattended and by taking this simple precaution many of these fires can be avoided.Furthermore cigarettes are not biodegradable. It can take a lot of years for them to decompose. This problem can be tackled by improving the recycling and disposable systems of the country. These problems are not so difficult to deal with if just some simple safety measures are taken while making t hem completely illegal will have much more disastrous effects. While the harmful effects of smoking are widely known, research has shown some of the positive effects of smoking as well. Smokers admit that smoking causes soothing, relaxes the mind and helps deal with depression.Scientific studies show that smoking improves concentration and helps to focus. Smokers have proven to have better responsiveness and sharper memory than non-smokers. â€Å"After 40 years  of scientific research on the effects of nicotine, researchers now say that they have sound scientific proof that smoking and nicotine have a significant positive effect on human brain performance†(â€Å"Science is conclusive: tobacco increases work capacity†). Nicotine also is said to enhance new blood vessel development and decrease chances of Parkinson’s disease.Furthermore, nicotine boosts up creativity and innovation. Many famous celebrities, artists, musicians have committed to smoking in the pea k time of their careers. Tobacco which is a major component of cigarettes is also widely used in many other addictive substances, like water pipe tobacco and snuff. The main purpose of making the production of cigarettes illegal is to stop the rising number of deaths occurring each year because of smoking, but if many other alternatives which provide the same level of addiction are available the purpose of the ban is likely to fail.Keeping in mind the pros and cons of making the sale and production of cigarettes illegal, banning smoking will cause more serious and long lasting problems than it will solve. The income generated by this sector of the economy will fall down immensely. Black markets operating in the country will start selling them as smoking is an addiction and is not a habit which can easily be quit. Smoking is often associated with suicide, while it is true smokers die earlier than non-smokers; the final decision depends on the smoker’s discretion.As far as the health and environment issues of smoking are concerned, they are upon the smokers own will and can be stopped if people start caring about their lives and their loved ones. An issue as serious as this one needs to be inspected properly if any decision has to be taken. If the ban on cigarette production is not implemented properly, it will lead to a huge fall in the employment level. If smokers dying every day is such an important concern, what about those people who will lose their jobs permanently? How will they feed their families?In poorer countries no other jobs are available for them and hundreds of families may lose their source of income. The taxes generated by the government will be cut off and much of the development in countries will die down. The true cure lies in making people more aware through advertisements and warning labels which is already been done by many countries all over the world. Because in the end the choice mainly lies in the hand of the smoker, what he or she thinks is more important: his or her own life or the pleasures of smoking. Words: 1310. Works Cited â€Å"? 16. 7 Billion Loss in Smoking Tax Revenues. Freedom 2 Choose. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Khan, Javaid. â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan. †Ã‚  Editorial. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Science Is Conclusive: Tobacco Increases Work Capacity. † International Liberty News Network. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Should Smoking Be Banned? † Debate. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Smoking Thrills but Kills. † Pakistan Today. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Persuasive Essay Keep Cigarette Sale and Production legal: Save the Economy Cigarette smoking dates back to the 9th century; when cigarettes were first invented in Central America, and has become a popular habit since then. Smoking is prevalent all over the world, and it has been estimated that the number of smokers will continue to rise despite the various campaigns taken against it. It is a widely accepted fact that smoking causes many health problems and thousands of people die each year, but should smoking be made illegal?Although smoking is hazardous to health and the environment, but making it illegal is a serious implementation which if not enforced successfully, will lead to huge losses for a particular economy. Should smoking be made illegal, the sale and production of cigarettes will drastically go down as will the number of smokers dying from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases, but prohibiting it by law is too extreme. All over the world, especially in poorer underdeveloped cou ntries a huge number of people are employed by cigarette making companies. If the production of cigarettes is banned, a lot of people will lose jobs.The probability of all of these people getting employed again is low; as most of them are not educated enough to meet the minimum requirement for other jobs and are the sole sources of income for their families. The main reason governments all over the world have not banned cigarette production is the huge amounts of revenue and taxes generated from its sale. These taxes are used to build many important institutions like public schools and hospitals. While it is true there are many more sources of income for the government, in present age we cannot deny the part tobacco companies play in increasing our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In the year 2000 tax revenue from cigarettes totaled Pak Rs. 19. 8 billion, representing approximately 25% of all excise revenue generated in the country for that year†. (â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan, 1†). Apart from tobacco farmers and nicotine suppliers, cigarette production provides income for advertising firms, whitening products and mouth fresheners companies. One of the biggest side effects of making cigarette production illegal is the rise of the black markets. Black markets are underground trading places where goods banned by the government are bought and sold.They may also involve trading across borders. It is very likely they start operating in economies where selling cigarettes is banned. Ireland, East Bourne, and Paraguay have some of the highest illicit cigarette trading. The government in UK took strong measures to cut down cigarette production resulting in cigarettes being illegally sold across borders. â€Å"The UK Government has lost at least ? 16. 7 billion tax revenue from the black market sale of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco over a 5 year period, according to its own statistics†(â€Å"? 16. 7 billion loss in smoki ng tax revenues† ).Though the cigarette companies play an important role in maintaining the economy, the harmful effects of smoking cannot be overlooked. In the recent years, smoking has been known to be the cause of oral cancer, lung cancer, and heart diseases and many more problems, most of which have proved to be fatal. Nicotine used in cigarettes causes brain damage and even abnormalities in child birth. Smokers have bad breath, yellow teeth; burned fingers and are looked upon with disgust. The estimated number of deaths each year by cigarette smoking is 445,000 in the United States.By 2030, this number is expected to rise even more, especially in developing countries where smoking is constantly on the rise. In trying to tackle this problem, governments in almost 30 countries across the world including Pakistan, have made it mandatory to issue warning messages on the cigarette packets by law orders. Even the advertising companies are required to show health concern message s at the end of the advertisement. This means that people buying cigarettes are fully aware of the health risks involved but they still continue to do so.Smoking in a voluntary habit, it is a choice. The solution to this problem lies in educating people about how valuable a human life is and not banning smoking. Cigarettes are an environmental hazard. Cigarette fires are a major threat of smoking, caused mainly by the carelessness of the smoker. While it is true it is a serious problem, it can be prevented by taking a few simple measures. Fire-safe cigarettes are a lot less likely to catch on fire when left unattended and by taking this simple precaution many of these fires can be avoided.Furthermore cigarettes are not biodegradable. It can take a lot of years for them to decompose. This problem can be tackled by improving the recycling and disposable systems of the country. These problems are not so difficult to deal with if just some simple safety measures are taken while making t hem completely illegal will have much more disastrous effects. While the harmful effects of smoking are widely known, research has shown some of the positive effects of smoking as well. Smokers admit that smoking causes soothing, relaxes the mind and helps deal with depression.Scientific studies show that smoking improves concentration and helps to focus. Smokers have proven to have better responsiveness and sharper memory than non-smokers. â€Å"After 40 years  of scientific research on the effects of nicotine, researchers now say that they have sound scientific proof that smoking and nicotine have a significant positive effect on human brain performance†(â€Å"Science is conclusive: tobacco increases work capacity†). Nicotine also is said to enhance new blood vessel development and decrease chances of Parkinson’s disease.Furthermore, nicotine boosts up creativity and innovation. Many famous celebrities, artists, musicians have committed to smoking in the pea k time of their careers. Tobacco which is a major component of cigarettes is also widely used in many other addictive substances, like water pipe tobacco and snuff. The main purpose of making the production of cigarettes illegal is to stop the rising number of deaths occurring each year because of smoking, but if many other alternatives which provide the same level of addiction are available the purpose of the ban is likely to fail.Keeping in mind the pros and cons of making the sale and production of cigarettes illegal, banning smoking will cause more serious and long lasting problems than it will solve. The income generated by this sector of the economy will fall down immensely. Black markets operating in the country will start selling them as smoking is an addiction and is not a habit which can easily be quit. Smoking is often associated with suicide, while it is true smokers die earlier than non-smokers; the final decision depends on the smoker’s discretion.As far as the health and environment issues of smoking are concerned, they are upon the smokers own will and can be stopped if people start caring about their lives and their loved ones. An issue as serious as this one needs to be inspected properly if any decision has to be taken. If the ban on cigarette production is not implemented properly, it will lead to a huge fall in the employment level. If smokers dying every day is such an important concern, what about those people who will lose their jobs permanently? How will they feed their families?In poorer countries no other jobs are available for them and hundreds of families may lose their source of income. The taxes generated by the government will be cut off and much of the development in countries will die down. The true cure lies in making people more aware through advertisements and warning labels which is already been done by many countries all over the world. Because in the end the choice mainly lies in the hand of the smoker, what he or she thinks is more important: his or her own life or the pleasures of smoking. Words: 1310. Works Cited â€Å"? 16. 7 Billion Loss in Smoking Tax Revenues. Freedom 2 Choose. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Khan, Javaid. â€Å"Tobacco Control: Current Challenges for Pakistan. †Ã‚  Editorial. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . Science Is Conclusive: Tobacco Increases Work Capacity. † International Liberty News Network. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Should Smoking Be Banned? † Debate. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Smoking Thrills but Kills. † Pakistan Today. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. .

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